Rehabilitation of water main DN1200 for S.C. Compania de Apa Oltenia S.A – project CL-17
8 September 2021Uncategorized,Uncategorized
GRP relining and CIPP are two methods chosen to…
Rehabilitation of water main DN1200 for S.C. Compania de Apa Oltenia S.A – project CL-22
We are happy to inform that we signed a new contract as a…
Rehabilitation of main ovoid collector in Abrud for APA CTTA S.A. Alba Iulia
In Abrud, Alba Iulia, we are executing the rehabilitation…
We won’t slow down despite the pandemic
15 June 2020BlejkanUncategorized
When in March this year The World Health Organization (WHO)…
Installation of long hat profiles in Bucharest
Our Romanian company BLEJKAN CONSTRUCT SRL, to meet the…
BLEJKAN at Ro-Ka-Tech 2019
16 May 2019RO-KA-TECH,2019,RO-KA-TECH,2019Blejkan,targi
On May 8-10 this year in Kassel (Germany), the Ro-Ka-Tech…
Our Cyprus project in media
10 May 2019Blejkan,Cyprus,media,Limassol,engineering2019
One of the projects currently being carried out by us is…
We will take part in the 15th RO-KA-TECH fairs!
8 May 2019Blejkan,targi,Abikorp,POliner,Marplast,RO-KA-TECHUncategorized,2019
One of the largest water and sewage industry events in…