Noi credem că un echipament performant stă la baza unui proiect de succes
de aceea la BLEJKAN Construct SRL ne asigurăm că mașinile și echipamentele utilizate în proiectele noastre întrunesc toate standardele de eficiență și siguranță. Echipamentele și baza de transport sunt permanent extinse și fiecare investiție este precedată de o analiză aprofundată a tendințelor globale în domeniul reabilitării conductelor.
machine park - BLEJKAN S.A.
7 steam generation units and hot-water boiler units:
- 3 water boiler units for CIPP liners dedicated for sewers
- 2 steam generators for CIPP close-fit liners dedicated for water lines, sewers and gas pipelines
- steam generator with saturation equipment and for CIPP liner installation dedicated for water lines
- hot box CIPP close-fit liner installation dedicated for lateral drains
3 UV light technology installation units by Jenni Umweltechnik, PROKASRO
8 cleaning vehicles (Kroll, Wiedemann, Kaiser, J.Hvidtved Larsen A/S):
- 6 vehicles with full water recycling
10 camera trucks – with WinCan and IKAS software:
- 4 digital ones
- 3 analog ones
- 3 analog ones designed for slope measurement
10 units for sewer milling
- 2 high-power hydraulic milling cutters by KATE
- 5 sets of milling cutters by SCHWALM
- 2 water milling cutters by IBG
- Smart (mobile)
4 stand-alone specialized vehicle maintenance units:
- 2 maintenance units for camera trucks and milling cutters – mobile and stationary
- 1 maintenance unit for cleaning trucks and high-pressure washers
- 1 maintenance unit for sewage pumps, construction chemistry and minor equipment
4 MAN TGA/TGL trucks with technical support equipment
3 specialized trailers for transportation of drums for close-fit liner technology
3 refrigerating trucks
4 trucks with mobile cranes
9 cable winches with a pulling rate of 5 and 10 tons
13 high-performance sewage pumps:
- 8 pumps by BBA
- 3 pumps by HIDROSTAL – Betsy
- 1 pump by GORMANN-RUPP
- 1 pump by Godwin
8 special pumps for construction chemistry:
- 5 spraying pumps by PUTZMEISTER
- 3 grouting pumps by PUTZMEISTER
4 high capacity power generators (by ATLAS COPCO)
10 high capacity compressors (ATLAS COPCO, COMPAIR, KAISER)
33 passenger cars
Other individual installation equipment and tools (welding machines, high-power pressure washers, etc.)